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Seaside centaury Thrift
Its fleshy-fingered leaves suggest that Rock Samphire is specially adapted to live by the sea. In 1664 it was being gathered from the cliffs of the Isle of Wight 'though they buy their sauce with the price of their lives'. 
Flowers June to August.

Seaside Centaury is an attractive flower, often found in the dunes of the western and northern coasts of Britain but almost unknown in south and east England. 
Flowers July to August. 

Found almost everywhere at sea level around Britain, Thrift is one of a small number of plants which are equally at home in the high mountains. The Gaelic name translates as 'beach wave'. 
Flowers April to October.

Sea campion Dwarf pansy Spotted rock-rose
Another of the elite band of seaside plants with mountain homes, Sea Campion is found as high as 970 metres in Scotland. It is also interesting in that it seems to have survived the Ice Ages in Britain. 
Flowers June to August.

A beautiful miniature, Dwarf Pansy is found only on Scilly, the Channel Islands and north-west France. The flower is only about 5mm across and is found, with luck, on sandy grassland or dunes. 
Flowers March to May.

'Very local and rare', Spotted Rock-rose is found in a few places in north-west Wales, western Ireland, and the Channel Islands. It likes open maritime heath, a threatened habitat. 
Flowers April to August.