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Scarlet pimpernel Ribwort plantain Field eryngo
Look around the edge of the car park and you may find Scarlet Pimpernel - that's where this one was! The 10-15mm flower closes about 3pm; around each petal is a very fine row of hairs. If lucky, you might find a blue flower. 
Flowers May-August.

Ribwort Plantain is a link with our past. Children used to play 'kemps', trying to whip off the flower head with the wiry stalk. The name comes from the Anglo- Saxon word for a warrior. 
Flowers April to October.

Looking and sounding too weird to be a British plant, Field Eryngo is 'very rare'. It is found only occasionally, in south and west England, and the best place to find it is actually in a municipal flower bed - wild! 
Flowers July to August.

Redshank Chickweed Four-leaved allseed
Redshank, of course, from the red stalk. The leaves are often black-blotched: in Gaelic legend it grew under the Cross and is spotted with Christ's blood. This flower is found in any waste place, particularly if it is damp. 
Flowers June to October.

Common Chickweed is everywhere. It has a line of hairs which runs up the stem on one side, then changes sides at a pair of leaves. The petals are deeply cleft so it appears to have ten. 
Flowers all year.

Tiny and rare, Four-leaved Allseed is only found in south-west England but can be seen growing on the tops of walls in Hughtown in the Isles of Scilly. The flower is only about 2mm across . 
Flowers June to July.